Enrolment 2025-2026

Enrolment 2025-2026

Enrolment for the 2025-2026 school year is now open!

You can consult the 2025-2026 General conditions online, as well as the applicable school fees.

Should you have any questions or require further information, please contact the Jardin des Particules by e-mail info.jdp@cern.ch or by telephone on (+41) (0) 75 411 34 16.

To enrol your child in the crèche, school or ‘Discovery Wednesdays’ for the 2025-2026 school year, please follow the procedure described below:

Step 1 - Enrolment application

To enrol your child, please:

  • Complete the online form.
  • For crèche and school applications only: payment of the registration fee of CHF 1,800 before 15 January 2025 using the payment slip. Please specify in the reason for payment: ‘2025-2026 enrolment + child's first name and surname ’.

Important: your child's place will not be guaranteed until we have received your payment.

Step 2 - Compiling your file

Written confirmation of your child's enrolment will be sent to you by email together with:

  1. A schooling contract to be signed.
  2. And additional forms to be duly completed and signed:
    • Confidentiality policy - image rights and permission to exit the school
    • Medical questionnaire
    • For children enrolled in school grades only:
      • The DIP compulsory schooling form
      • DIP BDS census form

Once completed, please send us by email these documents together with:

  • Copy of vaccination certificate
  • Copy of "RC insurance" certificate for the current school year