Comité de gestion
Le Jardin des Particules depends on the Staff Association. The latter entrusts the administration of Le Jardin des Particules to a Management Committee. The Staff Council shall appoint the representatives of the Association in this Committee in the manner described in the Statute of Le Jardin des Particules.
The Committee is composed of seven members, six of whom are divided into three colleges:
- the employer college, composed of three representatives of the CERN Staff Association (elected by the Staff Council for a three-year term, renewable);
- the employee college, composed of a representative of the educators of Le Jardin des Particules (designated for a one-year term by all the educators of Le Jardin des Particules) and a representative of the auxiliaries of Le Jardin des Particules (appointed for a one-year term by all auxiliaries of Le Jardin des Particules6); and
- the parent college, composed of a representative of the parents (appointed for a term of one year by the representatives of the parents of each class following the election of the latter class by class);
- and an ex officio member: the Director of Le Jardin des Particules. Each college shall also include an alternate who may participate in the meetings of the Committee but who is not entitled to participate in the votes, except where one or more members of that college do not attend a meeting of the Committee. The Employer College shall consist of two alternates. In addition, if the Committee considers it useful and if the Executive Committee of the CERN Staff Association has given its opinion, observers who are not entitled to vote may be associated with the work of the Committee.
The Committee’s tasks include:
- to draw up the provisional budget, including the amount of the cuts, to examine the balance sheet and the accounts drawn up by the treasurer, which are transmitted for approval to the President of the Staff Association;
- to manage the funds of Le Jardin des Particules within the framework of the budget approved by the Staff Association;
- to set a budget for “small purchases” managed by the educators, for the current needs of Le Jardin des Particules;
- to establish recommendations concerning the hiring of qualified personnel for Le Jardin des Particules (definition of needs, choice of personnel and duration of contracts) in accordance with the Rules of Staff of Le Jardin des Particules, for decision by the President of the Staff Association;
- Manage the contracts of the personnel of Le Jardin des Particules (e.g. holidays, replacements, training, etc.);
- to define the general conditions of admission and departure of children entrusted toLe Jardin des Particules;
- ensure that the project and the teaching methods of Le Jardin des Particules comply with the Goals and Mission set out in these Statutes; • ensure that Le Jardin des Particules is adequately equipped with equipment;
- inform parents about the activities of Le Jardin des Particules and consider their proposals;
- report at least annually to the Staff Association on the operation of Le Jardin des Particules, on the decisions taken and on the problems encountered;
- submit an annual report on the activities of Le Jardin des Particules to the Staff Council;
- immediately inform the Staff Association of any financial problems encountered by Le Jardin des Particules. In the event that the Committee makes recommendations to the Association, the Association shall not deviate therefrom except for reasonable reasons, which it shall communicate in writing.